Welcome to Good Things Good People.

A place where you might be inspired to look at life a little differently and find the blessings in the hard stuff.

I’m Marnie. A mom and wife who was forced to get a new “outlook on life” and try to find some goodness in some really hard stuff.

In November of 2021 I was very unexpectedly diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer with brain metastasis. Thanks to the brain metastasis this adventure also included partial paralysis on my right side. This came as a huge shock as I was a sober, never-smoker, fit, active, healthy 54 year old woman. Take note: all you need to get lung cancer are lungs.

Thanks to modern medicine (read: targeted therapy) I am doing well. Still a tiny bit paralyzed but full functioning, brain mets are gone, lung cancer is stable. But somehow the mental challenge just doesn’t seem to go away. Go figure. I learned pretty quickly that I had to get out of my head so I started to really look for the blessings in daily life. Most often that comes in the form of humans and in the opportunity to help others. Other times it is in moments of beauty and joy and every now and then it’s in in a simple purchase. While I’m not perfect at this most days, the few days I can get my head focused on the gifts I feel like maybe there’s some purpose in this mess.

If finding the good things good people out there helps lift my heart maybe it will help lift yours too. At the very least I hope my journey might help you to get clear on what you want out of life.

Other ways to join me

I’m still attached to Instagram but it’s getting further and further from my field of joy. If you want to connect over there you can find me at @marnieraec.

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I know the world is a busy place. If you’re feeling up to it send me a note, comment on the posts, or share with your friends. Everyone could use a little good stuff.

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While I am not offering paid subscriptions, for now everything can be viewed by free subscribers as well. Subject to change if I ever decide my writing is worth charging for:)

I’m so happy you’re here.

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Wondering what it's like to be an ordinary person doing extraordinary things.


Writing my way through this mid-life pivot brought on by a stage iv lung cancer diagnosis. Wondering about a lot of things.